About the Board of Trustees
The Jacoby Creek School District Board of Trustees is a five-member Board elected from the school district at large and serving four year terms. The role of the Board is to serve as a policy-making body for the school district. The Board is charged with providing the best possible education for the students of Jacoby Creek School District while conforming to Federal, State, and County laws. The District staff, headed by the Superintendent, carries out the policies and actions of the Board. Among the Board’s numerous duties is the adoption of the annual budget; approval of expenditures; employment of personnel; approval of the curriculum, textbooks, and courses of study; approval of facility plans and construction contracts.
Your participation in District business increases the public’s awareness, promotes understanding and maintains accountability. The Board warmly welcomes your input.
Questions regarding Board meetings and community opportunities for participation may be directed to the Superintendent at 707-822-4896
Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees conducts regular meetings which are generally held on the second Wednesday of each month, with the exception of July, November, and December. A meeting calendar is available on request. Meetings are held in the Jacoby Creek School Library, 1617 Old Arcata Rd. in Bayside and commence at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise posted. Board meetings are conducted for the purpose of carrying on the District’s business. All meetings of the Board are open to the public, with the exception of Closed Session meetings. The official board agenda is posted at the District Office at 1617 Old Arcata Rd., Bayside, CA, the Bayside Post Office, and is also available via a link on this web site.
Addressing the Board
Each board meeting includes an opportunity for the public to comment either during the Public Comment portion of the meeting or at the time a particular item is considered. To allow everyone the opportunity to speak, the Board asks that all participants respect the three minute time limit accorded to each speaker. In the case of numerous requests to address the same subject, the Board may select representatives to speak on each item. Proper decorum is requested at all times. Speakers will be asked to step down if improper language, topics or closed session items are discussed.
Placing Items on the Board Agenda
Members of the public may request to place items on the agenda of any regular board meeting. The items must be directly related to school district business. Requests for placement must be made in writing and delivered to the Superintendent’s office not later than 5 p.m. on the eighth business day prior to the meeting. The position of the item on the agenda will be determined by the Superintendent, who may consult with the Board president on the matter. Items placed on the agenda by the public will be for information and discussion, so that the Board may be advised of the views of the community. The Board reserves the right to place the item on the agenda of a subsequent meeting for action.
Corresponding with Board Members
Written communication for the Board of Trustees may be addressed to each member of the Board at Jacoby Creek School District, 1617 Old Arcata Road, Bayside, CA 95524. All incoming mail is unread and distributed directly to the Board members. Please allow sufficient time for the Board to receive the information. You may also wish to correspond via electronic mail with the Board. Please note that electronic communication sent to the Board may be subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act, and that any correspondence sent to a majority of Board members become a public document. (Government Code 6250-6270). You can reach the Board at: [email protected] which the Board president checks regularly.
Board Members
- Board President: Danielle Witten-- Term Expires Dec. 2026
- Cheryl Svehla-- Term Expires Dec. 2026
- Tuan Luu-- Term Expires Dec. 2024
- Aaron Hohl-- Term Expires Dec. 2024
- Alexis George-- Term Expires Dec. 2026
2023 Board Meetings
- Monday, January 9
- Monday, February 13
- Monday, March 13
- Monday, April 17 (Second Monday fall on Spring Break)
- Monday, May 8
- Monday, June 19 (Later to allow time for LCAP and budget review)
- Wednesday, June 21 at 9:00 a.m.
- Monday, September 11
- Monday, October 9
- Monday, November 13
- Monday, December 11–Annual Organizational Meeting